They will be listed here as Haney releases
them. #6 was distributed Oct 12
on the link below to view all seven briefings.
See seeingredaz for responses to Haney’s commentary.
Rob Haney, twice elected Maricopa County Republican chairman, takes to the mic as spokesman for the “ Never McCain” campaign. Inspired to action by Jeff Flake and other “Never Trumpers,” Haney is committed to doing a series of informative briefings, laying bare the deceitful record of John McCain. The “Never Trumpers” would prefer Democrat Hillary Clinton in the White House to Republican Donald Trump — whom they despise — even with the knowledge that a third Obama term, led by Clinton would, in all likelihood, finalize the loss of America as founded.
On the other hand, a successful “Never McCain” campaign, removing a Republican who acts as a Democrat, will serve to remind Republicans that the support of the grassroots requires that they oppose, rather than collude with, liberals.
Conservative Rob Haney won the Maricopa County chairmanship overwhelmingly 1,281 to 575 despite massive efforts by McCain operatives to defeat him. Maricopa County is the most populous county in the state of Arizona, and the fourth-most populous county in the United States, with 2,375,787 registered voters. The fourteen other Arizona counties combined have a total potential voting base of 1,438,075.
Conservative team efforts will concentrate on removing John McCain, betrayer of Republican Platform principles in the U.S. Senate.
There will be a series of briefings during the remainder of the campaign. We will post them here. Bookmark this “Never McCain Campaign” post.