He however happens to be correct removing any of the elected officers would entail an election to replace them at a cost to the party. The best solution is to stop the drama and infighting and learn to support each other. The next election cycle is the way to remove them from office without creating a divide among the worker bees of the party. be
P.S Also Votes of no confidence and resolutions only creates animosity and not worth paper they are written on and the time it takes to do it. It's not a big dark secret that I feel McCain has been DC to long, however the "Anyone but McCain" may just elect Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick, you may want to re-think that request and let the voters decide.
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January 10, 2016
Dear Fellow Maricopa County Precinct Committeeman,
If you're reading this letter you've been called to a meeting to vote in a recall election targeting several
officials whom you elected to serve as leaders of the Maricopa County Republican Party.
As your peer in the party, as a fellow grassroots activist, and also as chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, I ask that you refrain from voting to remove any of the duly elected volunteers (Tyler Bowyer, Jeni White, Aaron Borders) who are serving us.
While no one seems to have the courage to take responsibility for this recall effort, let me be very clear that the only person who put this recall election on the ballot, unilateraly, by himself, is Chairman Tyler Bowyer. Even having the authority...one needs to ask, why would he do this and what are his motivations to create a recall and include himself to be recalled?
That leaves no one but you to judge the merits of reversing a decision you made, quite recently, to put these individuals into leadership positions in our county party.
There is a small minority within the party that would rather fight each other than fight the progressive Democratic left. They allow their rage and hatred for those who do not align with their party infighting to disrupt, derail and waste our precious meeting time as PCs.
Many of us who are especially active in the party have heard absurd rumors and ridiculous conspiracy theories. I, for one, reject any gossip or activity that is not focused on helping the GOP win in November.
Keep in mind what is in front of us...the Presidential election. We as Arizona Republicans and specifically Precinct Committeemen must commit ourselves to taking back the White House. We took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Imagine if Hillary wins the Presidency...she will have the likely opportunity to appoint 2 – 4 Supreme Court Justices. What would that do to our nation?
Far too much is at stake to make enemies when we need to make friends.
It is my hope, and the hope of the great many among us who volunteer to serve our party, our nation and
our Constitution, that our greatest efforts will be against our greatest enemy, and that petty squabbles will not deter us from success in our mission to save our state and nation.
Robert Graham