Saturday, February 22, 2014

AZ Candidate For Governor Doug Ducey-A VERY GOOD three days under our belts

We just wrapped up a three-day, six-county, announcement tour across Arizona and I couldn’t be more excited.
The number of people who turned out…the energy in the rooms…the expressions of support for my candidacy…on virtually every front the trip was a huge success.
One thing is clear:  Arizona Republicans are believers in opportunity.  We want a state where government is smaller and better run; where the tax code actually looks like someone thoughtful planned it; where individuals are free to pursue their dreams without being hamstrung by red tape and taxes; and where kids receive a quality education and graduate with real skills that help them get jobs.
Below are some pictures from the last three days.  They give you a good sense of the enthusiasm that was generated everywhere we went.

It was a whirlwind three days, and we have six months of hard work in front of us.  Thank you for your support to date – Angela and I are so grateful to everyone for your kind words and your commitment to the cause.
Please be sure to share the news about the kickoff with friends and family, and visit us at!
Thank you!