Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Candidate For AZ AG Mark Brnovich-Fighting back!

Have you heard about the contraceptive case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court this morning?  At the heart of the debate is whether businesses such as Hobby Lobby or religious organizations such as the Little Sisters of the Poor have the right to be forced by the government to provide coverage for services such as abortion pills, contraception, or sterilization, despite deeply rooted religious or moral objections.

Shouldn’t a business owner’s personal religious beliefs outweigh the contraception mandates required under Obamacare? If we lose the concept of religious liberty and the government is able to force business owners to pay for the morning-after pill, how soon will it be before government mandates trump property rights in this country?

As I recently stated in a National Review Online interview, just because you open your business to the public that doesn’t mean the public has the right to run your business - and certainly, neither does the government.

The need for a strong Attorney General to fight back against the overreach of the Obama Administration is now greater than ever. Whether it be Obamacare, the EPA, or private property rights, the Attorney General is the last line of defense against the abusive overreach of the federal government.

Elections have consequences. I am concerned that if my primary opponent is nominated, Republicans will lose the general election to a liberal Democrat who will selectively enforce our laws and become the mouthpiece of the Obama administration here in Arizona.

I promise you I will defend Arizona’s laws and push back against the federal government when it infringes upon the rights of all Arizonans, including business owners. I promise you that I will fight to protect the most vulnerable in our society whether it be the unborn, children, or seniors.

In Liberty,
