LD26 State Committeeman Joe Neglia: AZGOP Chair Candidate Jonathan Lines is apparently a generous donor. According to the Federal Elections Commission, Lines contributed $500 to the John McCain 2016 campaign and $500 to the Jeb Bush campaign. See donations at WWW.FEC.GOV, or http://www.joeneglia.com/Lines.png"
MCRC Editor’s Note: Briefs offered Lines an opportunity to comment on his donations -- Jonathan Lines: In response, I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to help elect Republican candidates for all levels of government. Once Senator McCain secured the Republican nomination and the right to take on Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick, it was an easy decision to support the Republican candidate. I believed, and still do, that electing Republicans is the only way to repeal ObamaCare, tear up the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, and destroy ISIS. Ann Kirkpatrick was an ObamaCare supporter, calling it her proudest vote. I knew we needed to defeat her, and I needed to do what I could to do so. I’ve also given thousands of dollars over the years to state and local Republican Party organizations, along with the hundreds of PCs I’ve signed up and the miles I’ve walked knocking on doors. I’ve always been happy to help any conservative institution that is dedicated to electing more Republicans and advancing the conservative agenda. I will put my grassroots and conservative record up against anyone in this race, and I’m proud of all I’ve done to advance our cause and our shared values.