Tuesday, July 1, 2014

AZCPOA has joined our team!

Randy Pullen for Arizona Treasurer
I’m thrilled to share with you that my campaign to be the your Arizona Treasurer has been endorsed by the Arizona Correctional Peace Officers Association (AZCPOA)!

I am humbled to have their support and appreciate the kind words of their Executive Director, Tixoc Munoz:

"Randy Pullen is the battle-tested conservative that Arizona desperately needs right now. The AZCPOA has thousands of members statewide who understand that we need a conservative fighter and friend of public safety representing us as Arizona's next State Treasurer. As the former Arizona GOP chairman, Randy understands the importance of advocating for the law enforcement communities in Arizona. He has fought to have voters provide valid ID at the polls with Prop 200. There's no other candidate in the race for State Treasurer that has the experience and the proven track record to represent the voice of Arizona's Corrections Officers in Arizona. This is why the Arizona Correctional Peace Officers Association fully endorses Randy Pullen for State Treasurer. We are united behind Randy."
This is a big moment for our campaign and I need your help to spread the good news. A donation of $50, $100, $250, or any amount you can afford will allow us to share this important endorsement with voters across the state!

I appreciate your continued support and efforts on behalf of me and my campaign. Together, we’ll achieve a decisive victory in this race!

Thank You,

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