Wednesday, April 9, 2014

AZ Rep David Schweikert Taxpayer Watchdog

Do you ever sit and wonder how far Barack Obama and his administration will go to violate the Constitution -- or push crushing debts onto future generations -- or use the EPA or the IRS to pursue a political agenda?
Nothing determines me to fight back more than realizing just how much damage needs to be undone in Washington. 
That's exactly why I'm glad to count you as one of my allies in the fight to save our country. 
You see, America has always been the land of opportunity, but lately--after all the liberal big spenders have tried to pass more and more waste into the federal budget--after how many times House conservatives have rejected Obamacare only to see it stall in Harry Reid's Senate--after Lois Lerner pulls stunt after stunt with Congress for her political shenanigans serving Barack Obama's extreme agenda--I wonder if we are going to have enough resources to take on the battles ahead. 
At no time in our country's history has so much been at risk.  Obamacare alone will put us in more economic peril than any other law on the federal books. 
Just how much help is it going to take?
Ask yourself what kind of operation you've seen Barack Obama's political team build state-by-state across the country.  Do you think Republicans are prepared to build the grassroots mechanics the way they need?  Are we ready to go head-to-head in the ad wars of the 2014 election and beyond? 
It's that simple. 
I need your help. 
So please --- don't delay.  We have a real shot at winning some big seats this cycle.  The Senate is up for grabs.  Conservatives will be working together to ensure we win every seat possible. 
Your help will make that possible.  And, I'm extremely grateful to count you as my team.
David Schweikert