Friday, May 16, 2014

This week's wrap-up, Candidate AZ Governor Doug Ducey

It’s always great to end the week on a high note, and for the Ducey campaign this week was no exception! On Wednesday, we announced that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker – a standout conservative and noted reformer – endorsed my campaign for governor. I couldn’t be more proud of earning his endorsement.
Yesterday, we were the first campaign to roll out a policy plan. Called The Arizona Roadmap to Opportunity and Freedom, it provides a framework for policy solutions on issues like economic growth, government waste and reform, education, border security and immigration, safety and health care. If you haven’t seen it yet, please take a look and tell me what you think.
Finally, I was honored to be mentioned in Kim Strassel’s column in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal. In what she calls “the GOP’s ‘Trade-Up’ Election,” Strassel identifies an emerging trend across the country where grassroots activists are looking for reform-minded candidates. More from the story:
“Arizona’s crowded GOP gubernatorial primary on August 26 – no accident – includes several Republicans with business backgrounds who are running on sweeping economic platforms. They include Doug Ducey, the former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery, who in 2012 led the successful fight against a ballot initiative that would have made permanent an Arizona sales tax hike.”
Changing minds and beating the odds are concepts that I embrace. As your governor, I intend to lead Arizona with those leadership qualities at the forefront of every action and decision, and to bring a reform-minded work ethic to the executive office.
As you can see, we have great momentum leading into the summer. Please share this week’s good news with your friends and family by using the buttons below, and help me spread the word about my campaign.
Have a great weekend!
