Thursday, May 1, 2014

Arizona Ranchers support Brenda Barton

Fellow Arizonans,

What a week down at the capitol! Last week at 2AM we finally finished this years legislative session. Your support and hard work for me is amazing and I'm so thankful. A few supporters I want to share with all of you are:

- Bas Aja, Arizona Rancher
- Andy Grosetta, Yavapai County Rancher and past AzCGA President
- Michael MacCauley,  Coconino County Rancher and past President, CNRCD
- Hon. Terry Wheeler, Gila County Rancher and current Mayor of Globe
- Sen. Chester Crandell, Navajo County Rancher

Here is what they are saying:

On behalf of all of Arizona’s ranch families, I thank you and can’t say enough about how your courage is inspiring. You are unbelievably well-rounded and have been a stalwart leader for rural Arizona on the water issue.

Character is not formed, it is forged and revealed when the pressure is on – and your character is unrivaled. I know this has been tremendously difficult to deal with. Just know your leadership has not gone unnoticed – all of Arizona's agriculture is seeing it firsthand!

You are a dream for all of Arizona’s cowboys!

- Bas Aja, Arizona Rancher

“Representative Barton has been a strong supporter of Arizona’s ranchers. She understands the importance of ranchers ability to use our natural resources to feed families and drive Arizona's economy. Representative Barton is a strong leader for rural Arizona. She is a strong believer that farmers and ranchers are the true stewards of the land.  Representative Barton fights for the interests of rural Arizona, and that's why I support Representative Barton.”

- Andy Grosetta, Yavapai County Rancher

and past AzCGA President


 "If you want to meet a legislator that ranchers trust, look no further than Brenda. She is hands on and always going around the district talking with the people she represents. She came up to my ranch north of Williams to learn about our issues as ranchers. This shows that Brenda is a hardworker and someone who truly cares."

- Michael MacCauley,  Coconino County Rancher

and past President, CCNRCD


"Ranchers across Arizona should be grateful we have Brenda Barton fighting for us. She handles every issue with honor and integrity and is always fighting for rural Arizona."

- Hon. Terry Wheeler, Gila County Rancher

and current Mayor of Globe

I led the Arizona Legislature in recognizing a true family of Arizona agriculture, the Hickman Family. Here's a link to the Proclamation of Recognition:
Click here. 

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P.S. Consider donating $5, $10 or $20 to help us reach our fundraising goal for May!

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