Thursday, June 12, 2014

Former Governor Jane Dee Hull joins my campaign

My campaign received a big endorsement today from former Governor Jane Dee Hull.  Arizona has a history of strong, female leaders and Governor Hull was there at the beginning of that legacy.  She rose through the ranks in the House of Representatives becoming the first female Speaker of the House, served as Secretary of State and became the first woman elected as Governor of Arizona. 

Governor Hull was a well-respected leader who applied common-sense solutions, reached for compromise and always put Arizona's best interests ahead of politics.  I'm humbled to have my journey from a freshman legislator to a high-ranking member of the Senate, and now pursuing the Office of Secretary of State, mirror the path she blazed for women in Arizona politics.  I am honored to receive her endorsement.

As a former Secretary of State, I know that the job requires a steady, experienced hand, an understanding of our state’s elections, and knowledge of the complex business regulatory environment. In this year’s election, the only candidate with the necessary experience and character for Secretary of State is Michele Reagan. With Michele Reagan’s experience on both the Commerce Committee and Senate Elections Committee, she is the only candidate with the necessary combination of a relevant, private-sector business background and appropriate legislative experience.  I am proud to lend my name and my support to Michele Reagan’s candidacy for Secretary of State. "

- Former Arizona Governor Jane Dee Hull