Thursday, January 21, 2016

AZGOP State Committeemen Are Planning A Censure Resolution For AZGOP Chairman Graham

This will be brought up from the floor at this Saturday’s State Party meeting or at least an attempt is being made to collect the signatures.
It will take 320 state committeemen signatures from at least four (4) counties are required to take the resolutions to the floor. As usual the jackanape is AJ LaFaro who thrives on creating chaos and divisiveness with the AZGOP. This group seems determined to have the AZGOP go the way of the Whigs. The scuttlebut from a former high ranking Republican "you ain't seen nothing yet" look for a major blowup at Saturday's meeting and the rest of the year. 
Via MCRC Briefs and Sonoran Alliance 
AZGOP State Committeemen’s Resolution To
Censure Chairman Robert Graham
We, the State Committeemen of the Arizona Republican Party (AZGOP), from which Chairman Robert Graham was elected, are obligated to hold all of our leaders accountable for their actions. Only in times of great crisis or betrayal is it necessary to publicly censure our leaders. Today we are faced with both in as much Robert Graham is by far one of the worst Party Chairman the AZGOP has ever endured.  So with conviction we rise and declare:
WHEREAS, Chairman Robert Graham
·       has continued to violate the Arizona Revised Statutes, the Bylaws of the Arizona Republican Party and several of the County and Legislative District Republican Committees; and 
·       has repeatedly disregarded and disrespected the will of an overwhelming majority of the AZGOP State and Precinct Committeemen; and
·       has conducted dictatorial actions that have been a calculated and insidious conspiracy to purge grassroots and conservative Republicans from the AZGOP for his personal benefit, the benefit of his cronies and the Republican establishment cabal. 
  • BE IT RESOLVED that Robert Graham’s constant intimidation, bullying, overreach and unilateral policies will no longer be tolerated;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the AZGOP State Committeemen have lost confidence in Robert Graham and will no longer support him or his actions;
  • BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED the AZGOP State Committeemen censures Robert Graham for his continued disservice to our Party, State and Nation.