Sunday, January 17, 2016

Thoughts on MCRC Mantory Meeting From High Ranking Republican Activist.

A source sent me the below and from other sources this is very tame to other description of what took place at yesterday Mandatory  and Special Meeting.
Thoughts From A High Ranking Republican Activist
I loved the video at yesterday’s MCRC Mandatory Meeting in Phoenix.
It represented youth, vigor, vitality, young Republicans, the future,
great opportunities and fresh contemporary, advanced approaches.

Then what happened? The Libertarian PC’s, and the haters went about
electing four caustic, toxic, dinosaur, septuagenarian political throwbacks
to the EGC Board. One is a convicted felon, and another is an accused
wife beater and a renowned, self-aggrandizing, liar. Now that’s progress!

Good God. Unbelievable. The Republican Party is leaving me.