Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 31st Deadline

I have an urgent request for you.  Can you visit my website, and make a donation today?
We're coming to the close of another reporting period, and we need a little help reaching our goal for May.
The campaign is going great.  You've no doubt seen our ads on television, and on Tuesday I went to the Secretary of State's office and officially filed almost three times the number of signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.  Our message of smaller government, lower taxes, and standing up to Barack Obama is really working with voters — I just need to ensure we have the money and resources to spread the message!
Primary Day is closer than you think.  In fact, in just two months early ballots will be mailed to voters for the Republican primary.
We've got momentum, but running a statewide campaign is expensive and I need your support.  I'm hesitant to suggest an amount, but if you could send $200, $100,  $50, or whatever you're comfortable with, I would greatly appreciate it.
Angela and the boys and I are working as hard as we possibly can.  Please visit and click on the "Make a Donation" icon and proceed from there.  With your support we can enter June with an even stronger head of steam and build on all the momentum we have.
Thank you for considering this request.  Please visit the website and make your contribution today!
