Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The fight to protect Arizona children continues

CPS Special Session
Governor Brewer has called a Special Session for two landmark bills reforming Arizona’s child safety system.  The Special Session begins today, May 27th, and is anticipated to last three days.

First, a policy bill establishes the new Department of Child Safety and includes a complete overhaul of agency operations.  Second, an appropriations bill provides $56 Million in new funding. 

Nearly one year ago I began work on legislation establishing CPS as a stand-alone agency.  As Co-Chair of the CPS Oversight Committee, I was to introduce that legislation as a “discussion bill” in the 2014 session.  With the horrible discovery of the 6,554 cases marked “Not Investigated” and forgotten, my discussion bill became reality. 

Last November, Governor Brewer formed the CARE (Independent Child Advocate Response Evaluation) Team, on which I served.  The CARE Team put eyes on every child in the Not Investigated cases, conducted investigations and removed children from unsafe homes.  We also made comprehensive reform recommendations, which were presented to the Governor’s Child Safety Working Group, on which I also served.  The Working Group wrote the landmark legislation completely reforming Arizona’s child safety system.  Thanks to Governor Brewer’s leadership and determination, we are almost there.

Laurie Roberts of The Arizona Republic sums up what is at stake in the Special Session.  Please read her column, here: http://www.azcentral.com/story/laurie-roberts/2014/05/25/legislature-convenes-to-protect-children/9511235/

Like Laurie, I remember and grieve the death of each of these children.  It is my prayer and determination that, going forward, Arizona gets it right when it comes to protecting our children.