Congratulations are in
order! |
in LD23 had a great night on Tuesday. Two of our PCs were elected to represent
the Republican Party in the General election:
Michele Reagan won the Primary race for Secretary of State.
Little, our former Chairman, won a spot in the General election for Arizona
Corporation Commission.
in our Legislative District elections, Rep. John Kavanagh won the Republican
Primary for the Arizona State Senate seat being vacated by Sen.
These candidates will
enjoy our full support in the General election to be sure they win their seats
against the Democrats.
outright winners for Arizona House of Representatives are Michelle Ugenti and
probably Jay Lawrence, who is running ahead of his nearest competitor by just
less than 900 votes.
outcomes will be certified by September 8th.
Congratulations to all of these candidates.
We also
honor all those who ran for public office from our district. It's not easy and
it is appreciated that good people are willing to put themselves out there to
run for office.
Maricopa County Republicans Has NOT received any monies to post this information,it is a courtesy post.